
Stonetech-protect.jpgStoneTech Professional sealers help protect and prevent stains. 
All natural stones have some level of porosity,  and  by   applying the   correct  sealers,  you  can ensure  your  stone  is  ready  for everyday use.

Fact Sheet

Stonetech-clean.jpgUsing the proper cleaners specially formulated for stone are very important   for   everyday  spills   and   maintenance.   StoneTech Professional Cleaners were designed carefully for each situation. Most general household cleaners contain harsh components which can break down sealers and harm your stone. 
Fact Sheet

Stonetech-Transform.jpgStoneTech Professional has  also manufactured a line of products created to transform  the   surface of your stone to achieve your desired look. Weather it is a quick shine or some restoration work, StoneTech has the products to help.
Fact Sheet

DuPont™ StoneTech® Professional Water-Based Products
DuPont’s   water-based  products  are   among  the  highest  performing   available in the industry today. In
September 2007,  DuPont   launched   three  new  water-based products  (featured below) to complete our 

  • High Gloss Finishing Sealer, Semi Gloss Finishing Sealer, Heavy Duty Coating Stripper

Environmentally Focused Reformulation Activity at DuPont

Below  is  a  summary   of  accomplishments  by  DuPont since 2006 in our continuous effort to offer a more
sustainable  DuPont StoneTech®  Professional  product  line without compromising quality or performance. 

  • BulletProof® Sealer – 17% solvent volume reduction 
  • Heavy Duty Sealer – 28% solvent volume reduction 
  • Enhancer – 11% solvent volume reduction 
  • Grout Release – 53% solvent volume reduction 
  • Grout Sealer – replaced solvent with more environmentally safe solvent 
  • KlenzAll™  Cleaner  Concentrate  and  Ready  to  Use –  replaced  solvent  with more environmentally  safe
  •   solvent 
  • Revitalizer®   Cleaner  and   Protector  Concentrate,   Ready   to   Use  and   Wipes –  15%   solvent  volume 
  •   reduction 
  • Stone & Tile Cleaner Ready to Use – 75% solvent volume reduction

Post Consumer Recycled Resin and DuPont

DuPont    StoneTech®   Professional   buys  25%  post-consumer   recycled  resin   (PCRR)   for   all   plastic 
packaging from 10.5 to 128 oz containers.

DuPont   elected   to   make   this   sustainability   improvement  across  our  entire  line  even though PCRR content is not mandated in other states.

Reducing DuPont’s Footprint

While we have  made  progress  in  reducing our environmental footprint, we recognize we have more to do. At DuPont, “The Goal is  Zero.” Guided by our core values,  reducing  our  environmental  footprint  will
always be a top priority.

Source:   BrandAsset® Valuator  (BAV)  is  the  world's  largest  study of brands and is managed by Young & Rubicam Brand Asset Consulting. In the U.S. BAV   conducts a quarterly survey collecting over 10,000 consumer opinions of 2600 brands each year.

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