Nearly everyone loves to gaze at marble. It adds character and class to any setting. Augustus proudly said he found Rome made of bricks and left it marble. The Pantheon is made of marble, as well as the Lincoln Memorial. Time has shown marble to be long lasting, durable, beautiful and unique because of its veins. Marble countertops make any setting beautiful. Last year brought the trend of white marble.
When you choose marble countertops you are making an elegant statement that your presence will last decades. Small wonder the trend is to bring back marble in residential and commercial settings. Wherever marble is found, it always gives us pause, as we never tire seeing it.
In the world of white marble countertops, there are many variances, at least 27 in fact. Some tend toward the gray. Others are a bit more creamy or granular. Those in the most pure form are without a doubt the hardest to procure and therefore the most expensive. White marble can be found on many continents. However, the most sought after types are from the quarries in Barry, Vermont and Carrara, Italy.