Marble and Granite, Inc.is continuously striving to find only the very best in stone. Normally, this is for the sole purpose of renovating a house, or creating a new building. But on occasion, Marble and Granite happens upon something so unique and incredible, that acquisitions are made outside our normal realm.
Antolini Luigi set the trend in stone work for decades. One in which his children in Italy continue today. His creations are nothing short of fabulous. His general premise was to bring to the world an amazing addition of colors and finishes to a variety of types of stone to use in the home or business settings. A world leader in the market, his employees search for only the best in quarries, while raising the bar on technologies working with the stone. With a strong sense of business ethics, his customers enjoy his products for decades, due to the amazing quality that holds up as well as the beauty. Many examples of his work can be seen using this link. Considering his eye for beauty, small wonder he created pieces of art, as well.
Stone has been used in works of art for centuries, dating well before the Ancient Egyptians. It stands to reason that folks today would be using this form to express themselves. The Zebra created by Antolini Luigi is a masterful piece. As you walk from one side to the other, it seems to be on the run, which is an art in itself. In this particular subject, there are 60,000 individual pieces of stone that required over three months of intense work. This would fit well in any environment, from a stark and modern black and white setting, to a lodge in the Alps. Currently, it is located in the showroom at Marble and Granite and, it is available for sale.

This was inspired by a master, Victor Vasarely, who passed away in 1997. He introduced the world to Optical Art. Known internationally, he is considered to be one of the most important artists during the 1900s, changing the way the world viewed art. Some examples of his work can be seen http://www.masterworksfineart.com/inventory/vasarely/.
Marble and Granite brings together all the pieces for renovation. Our warehouses are filled with fine quality stone for use in new buildings and old. We bring together all the pieces for a goal to become reality; matching up the renovator with finished products as well as the installer.